Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ItZ ~liFe !!!

Got the Bullet. And crashed it on my very first long ride. Many more to come (long rides that is)
Bought some more film cameras. Could not try all of them.
Shot less with the bigger cameras, more with the smaller ones – iPod and the Motorola Defy

won a photography contest in real life.
Got kicked out of the corporate cricket team.
Bought my first phone (previous two that I lost in less than a year were borrowed).
uploaded picz in facebook <www.facebook.com/athulpsabu.sabu>
Went on a rather long vacation, first of its kind for me (for various reasons).
Hit the gym. Lost a few kilos. Need to lose many more.
Thought of starting a new blog. But found the convenience Facebook (and later Twitter) too comforting.
Uploaded more film photographs to my flickr photostream than digital.
Got introduced to my second nephew.
Realised that live music is better appreciated in the open than in an enclosed space.
Found underarm cricket to be tougher than the regular version.
Bathed in the glory of India’s Cricket T20 victory.

In 2012

Continuing with the utterly pointless exercise started three years ago…

In 2012, I…
Accomplished the feat of reading one book throughout the year and still not completing it
Played cricket, lots of it
Despite that, managed to go 10Kgs overweight…thanks to all 
Blogged only four times, including this post
Worked an early morning shift, but was never late for work
Got balder, but not as much as I thought I would
Got familiar with film cameras thanks to the good people surrounding me
Got lenses too, mostly screw mount primes
Shot more film than digital
Attended fewer photowalks, but took more satisfying pictures
Got an iPod, again
Expanded my music collection
Bought more books despite the lack of shelf space
Did not get the Bullet.